Acadamax - Creating the Learners of Tomorrow!

Acadamax is a private after-school academy on the West Side of Melbourne in St Albans.

We focus on delivering a modern and affordable learning experience to unlock the academic, social, and educational potential of students from all backgrounds.

Our system is designed to deliver high-quality and customized education programs that create resilient and passionate learners who are prepared for life.

• Top local expert teachers and role models
• Flexible and modern English and Maths curriculum
• A focus on developing critical thinking and resilience

Why choose Acadamax?

At Acadamax, our mission is to provide personalised and tailored learning experiences for students (Prep - Yr10). We strive to become the one-stop-shop for afterschool learning. Building young confident learners through fostering curiosity, engagement, and a passion for learning.

Optimal classroom design

In class settings of 6-8 students or fewer, our teachers create personalized and interactive learning experiences tailored to your child.

These experiences build skills and foundations that translate back to school and beyond.

We focus on academic, social, and behavioral outcomes to get the best out of each and every student.

Expert teachers and mentors

We work only with the best local teachers who build genuine relationships with students and know how to make learning engaging, effective, and tailored.

Our teachers are experts in their fields, passionate about education, and committed to making a difference in each student's life.

They love learning and teach students to love learning too.

Targeted curriculum

A robust curriculum aligned with the national curriculum but adapted weekly based on student ability, progress, and needs, we create a flexible and powerful curriculum to meet all student outcomes across both Maths and English.

It's engaging, fun, and effective.

Building critical thinking and resilience

Our goal is to create lifelong learners who are equipped with the right skills, tools, and mindset to tackle any learning challenge in their schooling life and beyond.

To do so, we focus on the fundamentals that affect how they truly learn, not just short-term literacy or numeracy shortcuts.

We want to create resilient problem solvers and independent learners who can thrive no matter the hurdles.

Social emotional learning

It’s more than just academics. We develop a range of important outcomes, including confidence, engagement, social skills, learning behaviors, and strategies.

These are soft skills that will lay the foundation for their ability to interact and become valuable, contributing members of society.

Affordable quality education

A high-quality education should be accessible to everyone. Every student deserves to have their potential unlocked.

Therefore, we make our programs affordable to ensure that students can have a consistent and accessible experience.

Numbers showcasing our success...

Acadamax launched in late 2023 with a mission to deliver quality, affordable education to students P-Y10. Since inception we’ve hit many milestones...
happy families
Ranging from Prep - Year 10, we’ve helped support over 70 happy families in their child's education
student satisfaction
Based on a survey undertaken for the year of 2023, the feedback received was 100% satisfaction.
parent satisfaction
Based on a survey undertaken for the year of 2023, the feedback received was 100% satisfaction
extracurricular events
Delivering quality education requires a collaborative effort. Our goal is to provide students with a diverse set of experiences in partnership with our parent community.

Follow us on Instagram

Keep up to date with our socials, check out what’s happening in our classes
and behind the scenes, we’ve got teachers bios and more...

Contact Us

One of our expert learning advisors will contact you using the number provided. We’ll conduct a free consultation to set up an appropriate trial and assessment.

Please note that our programs are in high demand, and there may be a waitlist for students at certain levels and abilities. For more information, please contact us below, and we'll provide you with updated information.

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Want to reach out directly?
Give us a call and one of our learning advisors can help with any questions you might have.